Symmetry is the key to everything
Peter Rowlands
Honorary Teaching Fellow
Department of Physics,
Liverpool University

When Peter did his Phd, he designed and built his own apparatus for carrying out his research project, and computers had little relevance - he recalled they were so primitive he could work out his calculations easier by hand.
In contrast, the Phd student in high energy physics today has little contact with setting up the apparatus - that is done by large design teams and specialist engineers working to specifications prepared by lead scientists. A student will often spend a year working in shifts at a laboratory such as CERN monitoring the experiment from a control room. They have access to huge stores of data on which they perform endless computer analyses. Before any results are published they are subject to significant internal scrutiny.
Peter doesn’t work like this. He doesn’t use computers and ‘work’ for him involves thinking, writing and discussing. ‘I don’t work away at the same problem, I wait until something creates link in my brain’. He is interested in the big questions & in using a more philosophical approach than is normal for physicists.
Climb the Mountain or Cross the Valley?

For example, Isaac Newton stands out from other physicists of the past in that he described the seemingly intangible world of the falling apple in totally abstract ways. In so doing, he defined mass on the same basis as time and space. He thought outside the paradigm (or the conventional thinking), but not contradictory to it.

Whilst Peter’s first interest was in using maths to get to the most fundamental laws, he realised that physics was the setting where he could do this. From an early stage he thought that symmetry was the key to making breakthroughs and his talk was about the results of a very long term personal and unique project in this area. Currently his proposals are seen as ’interesting’ by other physicists but they could become an alternative to the Standard Model if confidence in it fades, e.g. due to results from the Large Hadron Collider not supporting it.
Example of Symmetry in Particle Physics

Bob Roach
23rd September 2015
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